Friday, February 15, 2008

rain rain go away.come back next year .....

yep we have had alot and i mean alot of rain, our tanks are full the garden has been watered for the next year and it is still coming down, there is mold growning everywhere oh rain in the tropics..... but better we have some than none..
s has gone to thursday island, what an adventure it was so wonderful having her for that time not that i saw much of her, but enough to have girl things around the house,infact all over the house.. and after having 3 sons it was nice..
the deck is going up work in progress, it should be lovely when it is finished..
to sit and hear the birds. and the neighbours dog bark bark bark but back to the birds. looking forward to the party on the deck.
there is always an other job waiting. but i love living is a good life

1 comment:

Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

Hi Margie...

THANK YOU SO MUCH for visiting my blog. I find it SO interesting that you don't celebrate Valentines. It is such a big holiday here in the states.

I think it is good of you to encourage your boys to show their affections... it definitely makes for better men and better relationships.

I actually found the pillow around Christmas in a catalog called "Pottery Barn". They have a website and I think their decor and furnishing are absolutely wonderful.

Anyway, when I saw the little pillow with a pocket I thought of secret love notes and letters I could give my sweetheart.

He really liked the idea when he saw it for Valentines.

It now has a permanent place on the bed.

warmest wishes