Friday, January 4, 2008

2008 has arrived

there is never a famine or a feast. last year we stayed at home this year we had several invites i feel blessed. we were privileged to go to janette and william with our dear friends marg and bruce. we were sort of pleased to see this year out together, one we will never forget so the chance to be together to do it was a bonus, there are no new years resolutions i rather think that just making the most of each day to be true to your self and your beliefs, is a better has been a giant of a many people to thank and be grateful that they have shared your life, or that you have been invited into there lives......but that is life and we had the most wonderful new years eve after going to jen and dougs off to golden beach to a wonderful seafood feast and to see the new year in drinking moet and being with wonderful folk....
vb an sam are off to thursday island tomorrow or vb is... sam soon. tris is coming back from goldcoast. yah.. j bought a new girl for us to meet............ the circle continues, life goes on

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